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Tiny Natureland Misadventure

Updated: May 11, 2022

So this is a bit out of order, I have many more that I still need to post, but it's my blog and I do what I want.

Spring is here in Wisconsin and I'm loving it! I've never really been one of those people who get really pumped about it getting warmer outside (as I really hate summer), but since I started vlogging and blogging last year, I'm really jazzed that it's warm enough out to start taking hikes again!

Though this was not my first adventure out after the winter thaw, this is the first one I want to write about. I invited my friend Bre along because I knew this would be a place she would love. She is obsessed with water and this place is so picturesque. Her reaction did NOT let me down!

I had been here last autumn (2020) with my friend Judi and was enchanted by this place. I knew I had to see it again in the spring. Early April is still kind of chill in Wisconsin, so things are slowly coming to life again.

Zali and I just had a chill day looking at all of the water, smelling the clean air and taking photos. One of the things I like about taking Zali hiking is that she takes artistic pictures and it encourages me to try new things. I have no formal training in photography, and she has knowledge and ideas that are new to me! I like that she challenges me.

She is also a lot less afraid of water than I am, so I enjoy watching her trying to get neat water shots. Usually it involves her jumping onto random rocks in streams and rivers...I am learning to conquer my fears. Feeling more comfortable around water is one of my goals for this year.

Speaking of facing my fears...Look at this little cutie warming themselves in the sun! I used to be terrified of amphibians, but quarantine made me feel less scared of things that used to bother me. Now I can appreciate opportunities like this with less fear and take photos of nature. This little friend made me so happy! I thanked them for letting us take pictures.

Here are the rest of the photos! if you would like to, click the arrows to view them all

If you would like to, follow me on TikTok to see more footage from the trip: @peachyfishy

Instagram: @supermomochan

Thank you for stopping by!~

Bonus videos!:

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