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A Walk After A Heavy Rain

Updated: Mar 14, 2023


We had a huge rainstorm. It rained all day and all night. Hard. Rain like that always makes me nervous. I hate flooding. While I love and respect water, it also scares me. Having it in my safe space does not help my anxiety. I've had so many dreams where the basement flooded and there were huge dino-fish swimming in the basement (usually they were eating my Barbies). A couple of years ago our basement flooded and this dream came true...sort of. As we were setting up a pump, a frog swam in and was doing laps around the basement having a grand old time. Then we had a toad. Thankfully no angler fish!

That all being said, I really do love rainy days, so because it was a warmer day, I put on my rainboots and went to one of my favorite places to walk around. Here are some of the photos I took!

It's not a lot, but I enjoyed myself! I walked through the puddles and enjoyed the way nature smells after a hard rain.

Here are my links if you want to follow me for more content:

TikTok: @peachyfishy

Instagram: @supermomochan

Twitter: @MPeachyFishy


Music: Dog and Pony Show by Silent Partner


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