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Beloit Misadventures pt. 2: Abandoned Wheeler Ave. Bridge

Updated: May 11, 2022

With Roosevelt Park being a bit of a let down for me, my dad decided that I needed to see something cooler. While having a huge phobia of heights and water, the mere mention of visiting an old abandoned bridge made me anxious and also excited. I love bridges, especially old ones, but that doesn't necessarily want to be on one...So we went anyway!

The bridge was beautiful and overgrown. I fell in love with it. I totally understood why my dad wanted to show it to me.

I did a lot of research on this bridge and thought it was a completely different bridge until now. I thought this was the historic Turtleville Iron Bridge...but upon further is the Prospect St./Wheeler Ave. Bridge...

While the Turtleville Bridge is an important historical site because all that remains of the Town of Turtleville is a cemetery and the bridge, this not as important. On one side of the bridge, you are in Beloit, Wisconsin. On the other side you can see South Beloit, Illinois. Yay.

I could not find a lot of information on the Prospect Street Bridge (I believe this is the Wisconsin side of the bridge's name), the information that I did find wasn't all that exciting. It is a truss bridge built in the 1890s and closed in 1995. At one point the cities wanted to demolish it to build a better bridge for a bike path, but they decided it wasn't financially worth it. Now it is home to the homeless and drunk/high teenagers.

Would I recommend this place? Absolutely! It is gorgeous in a sad and dilapidated way. The views of Turtle Creek are beautiful and the architecture is also beautiful. I would love to see this bridge restored (not rebuilt). I just wouldn't go here in the evening or at night. I don't really think it would be a safe place to go after dark.

Here is some more information on this bridge. It's only two sites, but there are other shots of the bridge that I didn't take. The Bridge Hunter site has some information on the make and build.

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(Trip was taken 10/10/2020)

...........I'm such an idiot.........


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