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Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium~

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

This is a bonus post that goes along with my YouTube video under a similar name (Misadventures at Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium). Along with the many clips of penguin shenanigans, I also took a ton of photos (this isn't even all of them...). Penguins are literally my favorite animals, so naturally I went camera crazy!

They also let you pet one of the penguins. I died. And because it was around Valentine's Day, Yuka and I got to pose with penguins and love hearts. We thought it was hilarious.

They are so funny and dumb and I just love them...So enjoy!~

My bestie, Yuka took me, and even though penguins aren't as amazing to her as they are to me, I could tell she was having fun. She kept asking my why penguins were my favorite...Then they would do something stupid and I would just point and say, "that's why."

There was one penguin during the "penguin parade" who was named Niko and he just didn't want to be there. He honestly made the experience a million times more amazing. He kept biting at the handlers, who really didn't care. They must be used to it from him. He also kept trying to escape the barriers. He would see a gap, duck and dive past a handler and make a beeline for freedom...or whatever his goal was. At one point they just let him walk around outside the barrier with a keeper because he was being such a butthead.

They gathered the penguins from the parade together and Niko wouldn't stand for photos. He flopped down on his belly like a boat and refused to penguin. Mood.

After the parade was over, Yuka and I noticed a woman with a group of small penguins over by the beach, so NATURALLY I had to know what was going on. There was a small rope in the ground that we weren't supposed to go over, but the penguins didn't care and came right up to us for a visit. I squealed with joy. Then she grabbed a fish bucket and started making them dance, catch and run around the beach. This, unfortunately, attracted everyone else, but I had so much fun watching her play with the pengies~

I was really sick before we went on this little adventure, and shortly afterwards I had an allergic reaction to influenza and was covered in hives for almost 2 months. That trip to Nagasaki was miserable, but I did have some amazing adventures while I was there.~

If you are ever in the area, I would totally recommend the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium (長崎ペンギン水族館 or nagasaki pengin suizokukan)

3-16 Shukumachi, Nagasaki, 851-0121, Japan

There is also a convenient bus stop right outside the aquarium, so it is VERY easy to get to by bus and from the JR station it should only take about 30 minutes!

I will leave all the information I can linked below so that if you are in Nagasaki, plan to go to Nagasaki or are just Curious Carls and want to know, you can just click around as you please.

Bus and Car information:

(the site is in Japanese, but they do have English options)

My YouTube video:

My other socials:

Twitter: @MPeachyFishy or




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