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Misadventures in Scotland - Podcast Tie-in

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

This story was a fun one to tell. It was fun to go through those memories and I really enjoyed sharing it with my late friend's wife (who is also my friend haha). She also cleared some things up for me about my adventure. Let's get in to it!~

(some of these photos are by me and some of them are by Jock)

First things first, the bus station? Not just me. According to the wife (who's name I'm not sharing for her privacy) there is hardly any signage on it. If you don't know it is there, you don't know, haha! I guess there is a sign that says "Bus Station" on the front of the building, but otherwise there is nothing. I went in the back there was definitely nothing. Ya'll have no idea what a relief that is to me. I thought I was just dumb all these years. NOPE! Not my fault! It had been bothering me for the past 12 years.

Here are the websites for the Fife Costal trail:

(the area I was on)

Um...there are SOUVENIERS?!?!?! UM?! I love this. Travel books and merch?! I'm a sucker for items with place names on them (I am LITERALLY wearing a Door County sweatshirt as I am writing this). Plus the money goes to keeping the the path well maintained. I would definitely say the path is gorgeous. When I was on the trail, I didn't know much about it. Other than the signage, I had no clue where I was, haha! Had I known, I probably would have been more jazzed~ I want to do the whole trail some day...except it is about 187 km (116 mi) and takes about a week or ten days to complete...THERE ARE CERTIFICATES FOR FINISHING IT!! ...I need one. Like. Now.

Gorgeous? Uh yeah it is!! Can you see why I loved it there so much? It was so beautiful and scenic! I loved that there was so much diversity in everything that I saw. Caves, fields, THE SEA!!! The salty breeze and all the boats and beautiful coastal towns!! I wanna go back so badly!! Looking through these photos, I am filled with so much nostalgia and longing to go back and slowly explore EVERYTHING!~

A breezy photo shoot from MacDuff Castle (ruins). I could have stayed in there for hours. was falling apart...and yeah it wasn't very big and glorious anymore...but I love ruins. I love old castles. I love touching history. I guess one of Jock's favorite pictures was the last one with my hair blowing in my face and me trying to be photographable despite the aggressive wind.

I remember I had to borrow the windbreaker because it was so cold and windy in spots that my sweatshirt didn't really help me stay warm.

Here are some photos from the things I spoke about in the episode~

Photos from the Elephant House and the seat JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter from. Apparently there had been a fire there and it is closed until further notice. Other than the book writing, the cafe had delicious food and was covered in all different types of elephants and honestly it was really cute in there! I hope they are able to get back on their feet again soon! Best of luck, Elephant House!

These are two photos from Greyfriars Kirk, which is the graveyard near Elephant House. It can been seen from the window I was sitting near in the last group of photos. These are pictures from Tom Riddle's grave marker. His name was used in the Harry Potter books and so were a lot of the names from the cemetery. There is a really rich and beautiful history to this kirkyard and I wish I could have spent more time exploring it. I really need to go back to Scotland...I want to learn more.

A photo from the second floor of a double decker bus. I would have stayed up there longer, but we went down a hill and I saw the sea coming at my face rapidly and I had a burst of panic and ran down the stairs to the bottom floor...And naturally a bottle of Irn Bru. It looks so radioactive. I remember loving it though.

My sweatshirt...I still miss it. (that's Arthur's Seat behind me...also need to try climbing next time and NOT let my fear of heights win)

So that's all! That was my misadventure from Edinburgh to Fife and back again! Every time I think of Scotland, I get sad and nostalgic. I just want to go back so badly. I miss it terribly.

This episode/post is dedicated to Jock, my favorite Scottish person

For more information on the things I saw, check out the links below:

Elephant House:

Greyfriars Kirk:

More from me:

The podcast episode:



Until next time!~


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